There have not been many updates to this site in 2017. Partially to blame is over scheduling by trying to put up a few web sites. Partially to blame is the distraction during the last six months of the year to determine my cancer status and taking treatments. Mainly it is just having too high an expectation of the time I have left, and I realize now the priority to use my time to the best advantage.
My priority continues to be sharing family information, stories, history, genealogy, photos, and videos so everyone has the opportunity to access the data.
There has been activity including closing down the site to combine the information on that site with this one. Posts have been written and are in draft for this site and also, but have not yet been posted. During January I will be posting to both sites on a regular basis.
Meantime, be sure to read the posts shown on the right side of the website. Some like “They Came In Ships” will be updated with newly found information. As with all web sites, each new post drops the older posts into history; they should not be forgotten.
Have a Merry Christmas, a happy holiday, and a great new year. Look for many more posts next year. Louis Richard (Dick) Leurig 2017-12-19